Wednesday, July 23, 2014

John Minto is New Zealand's biggest tool

In case there was any doubt, it's now official.  John Minto is New Zealand's biggest tool.

Whale Oil was the first to break full details of the Anti Israel rally in Auckland.  Flag burning, Swastikas and racist rhetoric all on offer.

But John Minto and Mana alone were the only politicians defending the flag burning.

Minto said he was not aware of the burning, but did not believe it was inappropriate.
"I can't see what the problem is," Minto said. "Flags have been burnt in demonstrations and protests for hundreds of years so it's no big deal."
It was not an organised part of the protest and someone must have taken it upon themselves to do it, he said.
Burning the flag is not just an insult - it represents the destruction of the nation and its people, violently.

As well as glorifying violence from Hamas, John Minto is happy to promote violence.

One of my greatest wishes is to see the New Zealand people reject such behaviour at the ballot box in September.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

How to criticise Israel without being anti-semitic

This link was posted by some Left Wing Jews who were sick of marching with Swastikas at peace rallies

I don't agree with much they say, but it highlights a lot about what they are faced with!

One point - should people criticize Israel in it's entirety? I think not - you can criticise the government, but not a wide stereotype of the entire country. e.g. If you don't like the policy of the Abbott government on say climate change or some such, you criticise the government, not the entire nation and it's people.

Monday, July 7, 2014

An open condemnation of the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir

We unequivocally condemn the horrific murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir. It was unjustifiable under any circumstances. The killing was reprehensible and we hope that the criminals who did this sickening act are found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Israel is a country run by the rule of law. There are reports that Jews have been arrested for this crime. If a trial finds that Jews are indeed guilty of this unconscionable killing, our condemnation is redoubled. The idea that Jews could do such an act fills us with shame and horror.

The people who murdered Mohammed do not represent us in any way. It is not enough to dissociate ourselves from the dreadful act; we must also ensure that crimes like this are never repeated.

Just as the appalling murders of Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaar do not in any way justify the hideous murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, neither does Khdeir's murder justify the violence, terrorism, destruction and incitement we have seen over the past few days against Israelis and Jews. 

We hope and pray that everyone, Arab and Jew, lives in peace and security in the region.



TimG_OZ totally endorses this letter from Elder of Ziyyon and his invitation to any blogger, columnist or pundit to sign on to this letter in the comments section of his blog so he can add to the signature list. Bloggers are also encouraged to reproduce this letter on their own blogs.